
Online Course


It is not just the learning of numbers and words or the mental enhancement that makes up everything to the children. Inculcating life development skills is equally important for the kids! It is important to help them learn the way of living their daily lives. These may include good manners, developing themselves for daily living, learning and getting comfortable with various tasks and much more. Simple examples to start with are how to brush your teeth? How to find your toothpaste? How to settle your things?

Our tutors at Ruhin follow several procedures to help your kids with life development skills online. They have creative visual guides prepared. A child understands the visuals and learns faster. Prompting and fading is another process that evolves in this process. Social stories, video modelling, and communication are further some of the steps are mentors would follow to inculcate the life development skills in the child.


Interestingly, get this therapy done online. Sit with your kid and you may observe the development in your child yourself!


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